
An astrological reading can help make important life-themes stand out with more clarity. The reading of your horoscope will give you a clearer idea of what your ressources are and what potential you have in you as well as showing where you might feel challenged in life.

Bringing you clarity as a tool to follow the path which leads you to living your potential most fully. Integrating your soul purpose in choices you make. An astrological reading is meant as a guideline, a blueprint of what you have come with in this lifetime; of both challenges and gifts. But how it unfolds is always up to you, each choice you make leads you in a certain direction and you get to chose where to go…

As I’m currently halfway through the studies, the readings and price is set from that.

Astrological reading 500kr (Duration 30-60 min.)

Contact me for booking a session or if you have questions.

I do sessions online on Zoom and physically at my space Dynamisk Stilhed, Kystvejen 21, 8000 Aarhus C

Don’t know your exact time of birth?

For all danish citizens, it’s possible to order your exact birthtime from Rigsarkivet through this link. It might take some months for it to arrive, so be patient.